Keshi Pearls -- I'm OBSESSED and You Should Be Too...
Alllrrrriiiighhhhttttt! You're here because you just NEEDED to know more about this fascinating gem, and frankly, I've been dying to tell you so buckle up!

My first pair of Keshi pearls, the pearls that just stole my heart
Pearls are created when a foreign object, such as a piece of shell, bone, scale, or even a parasite, becomes lodged inside a pearl-producing mollusk (or in the case of cultured pearls a ‘bead’ is implanted into the mollusk). This object acts as the nucleus (which will also dictate its shape). In order to protect itself from it, the mollusk forms a sac around it, that secretes nacre (the iridescent luster you see on pearls). It will then continue to secrete nacre into the pearl sac, covering the nucleus, and gradually building up layers over the course of several years.

Pearls are produced in two basic ways: the Natural way – without human intervention – and the cultured way – when they are farmed by people. This is a pearl farmer harvesting pearls. A process of 1 year minimum
Today, almost any pearl that you’d encounter is a cultured pearl. Natural pearls are extremely rare, (and spendy as %$#^). In fact, only 1/10,000 oysters in the wild will ever produce a pearl, and of those, only a very small percentage would ever yield a gem quality pearl that is the right shape, size and color of something ‘desirable’.
Nature's Happy Accidents: Only about every 5-10% of cultured mollusks (oysters, mussels, clams, conchs, and gastropods) will create a keshi pearl which just makes these babies all the more special. Unlike most pearls, Keshis are formed without a nucleus, forming when the mollusk rejects the nucleus and layers of the iridescent nacre begins to accumulate in the pearl sac. This means its anyones guess to what the pearl shape will be, resulting in pearls made of pure nacre, unpredictable shapes, each one a unique masterpiece.

"Imperfection" is their very essence, a celebration of nature's raw beauty. Watch out for the top left dropping this Spring.
The Allure of Imperfection:Their lack of a nucleus also means finding matching pairs is impossible. Forget perfect pairs -- Keshi pearls are sisters, not twins, each unique in its own way. Sourcing them is a challenge, and the process is very time-consuming. With colors ranging from creamy white, peachy-pink, soft lavender to intense purply-orange with hints of yellow and green, and their luster, THEIR LUSTER **chefs kiss** --unmatched.

~Le sighhhhhh~ CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE THESE COLORS AND LUSTER?!?!?!?😭😭😭 Did I get some of these too? Yes, of course I did, I have absolutely no will power!
Keshi pearls today are considered to be much more remarkable and unique.. The reason for this is that pearl farmers now x-ray their oysters to see whether or not the nucleus is still inside. If an oyster has expelled its nucleus, that farmer will re-nucleate it before a keshi pearl would have the opportunity to develop. Making keshi pearls even more scarce than they once were.
All that to say that these pearls legit just blow my mind!!!
And if you don't agree we just straight up can't be friends. I'm sorry, it's just how it is.
Drop me a comment below and let me know if you want to learn more about pearls, if you are now like me and completely obsessed with Keshi Pearls or you want to be first in line to know when a new keshi piece drops!
--PS if you peruse The Fine Edit every now and again you might be able to catch a Keshi for youself ;)