From Chokers to Lariats: Tips for Layering Necklaces with Style

Looking for tips on layering necklaces? You're in luck! In this post, I'll give you some general guidelines to help you get started on your layering journey.
Last week I intro’d the Adjustable Chains, which are one of the best neckalces for layers, so what better time than now to talk about layering? Yay!
I get asked about layering A LOT so I know this can be a bit of struggle.
You have a vision and it’s not coming together. WTF right?! Zjuzing up should be FUN and if you’re not having fun, what’s the point? Well before you get overwhelmed and give up…I GOT YOU
Now, I LOVE a good neckmess, but before we get ahead of ourselves I’m going to give you a few basic tips and show some simple examples to help get your started on your layering journey
I’m going to start this off by saying I’m not a big fan of “The Rules” so take these as a few general guidelines and always remember that coloring outside the lines is totally acceptable and encouraged
First things first, let's talk about necklace lengths.
Necklaces come in a multitude of styles and lengths but I’m just going to start with the basics and talk about length shortest to longest:

Choker 14”- fit’s tight around mid neck
Collar 16” - Sit’s at the base of the neck (around the…you guessed it…collar bone)
Princess 18” - Sits around the upper chest area. This is the length that pendant’s start to show up.
Matinee 20-24” - Sit’s around mid-chest and is usually a more casual vibe. Think drop pendants or tassles. The Astraea Pendant is a perfect example and it's also on an adjustable chain.
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Ok, so we know all about the different length’s we’re working with. And you might be going “Cat….I don’t have a 33” necklace…” And that’s fine, you dont NEED every single length to create a gorg laying situation.(Like helloo the adjustable chain to the rescue am I right?). While you don't need every single length to create a gorgeous layering situation, having variety will give you more options.
But let’s stay focused!
A lot of people like to start with the lightest, most delicate piece first and follow with heavier pieces as they go. So I’ll give you a run down of that, but personally I like to start with my heaviest/anchor piece first and then work backward, so just do what feels good.
There you go! 4 general ‘rules’ to follow to get you started in layering! And don't worry if your chains get jumbled up - it adds to the neckmess vibe! Plus, I’ve tried all the trick out there and I have yet to find one that work. (Leave a comment if you know of one!!)
So,What do you think of layering? Is a neckmess (I’m talking LAYERRRRS) your jam or are do you lean toward a more delicate lighter look?
Let me to know in the comments or shoot me an email if you have any questions. I’m always happy to help!
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